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Advice - recognition of professional qualifications

Expert advice regarding the recognition of professional qualifications

You can make use of free advice on recognition from a counselling centre in Germany or abroad. If there are no counselling centres near you, you can contact a hotline.

You can find further information here.

They can assist you with the following questions, for example:

  • You want to clarify whether your educational and vocational qualifications which you obtained abroad can be officially recognized in Germany.
  • You want to know which recognition body is responsible for your recognition procedure.
  • You need support with the preparation of your formal application to start the foreign credential recognition process.
  • You want to know if you can receive financial support to cover the costs of the recognition procedure.

Training search
German language courses

Advice by phone

+ 49 30 1815 - 1111

A service of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the Federal Employment Agency. You can get information in German and English.

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